Drug Crimes Attorney in Grand Junction, Colorado

Despite Colorado's pioneering role in legalizing recreational marijuana, it's crucial to recognize that the state maintains a strict stance on drug crimes. The legalization has drawn boundaries that, when crossed, carry significant legal consequences.  

Just because the state takes these cases seriously, however, doesn't mean you deserve harsh punishment that doesn't match your actions. If you've been accused of or charged with any drug-related crime, don't hesitate to get legal representation.  

Located in Grand Junction, Colorado, Le Fleur Law LLC is a seasoned criminal defense firm with a focus on drug crime defense. Attorney Annie Le Fleur is the driving force of this firm, dedicated to delivering top-notch legal services to clients across the Western Slope, including Mesa County, Delta County, and Montrose County. Discover the difference she can make in protecting your freedom and future.  

What Sets Le Fleur Law LLC Apart 

Attorney Annie Le Fleur's client-centered approach sets her apart from other firms. Understanding that facing drug charges can be an overwhelming experience, she prioritizes the needs of her clients above all else.  

And she doesn't just offer legal counsel, she offers future-focused advice and advocacy, empowering her clients to navigate the complexities of the criminal justice system with confidence. 

Types of Drug Cases the Firm Handles

Attorney Le Fleur handles a broad spectrum of drug crime cases. These include: 

  • Possession of controlled substances: Refers to the act of having illegal drugs or substances in one's possession

  • Drug sales and trafficking: Involves the illegal distribution and trade of drugs

  • Manufacturing of illegal drugs: Refers to the production or creation of prohibited substances

  • Prescription drug fraud: Involves the deceitful or illegal acquisition or use of prescription drugs

  • Drug-related DUI offenses: Refers to driving under the influence of drugs, which is a criminal offense

No matter the severity or complexity of the case, Attorney Le Fleur's extensive understanding of Colorado's drug laws allows her to provide comprehensive legal representation. 

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Drug Schedules and Possible Penalties 

In Colorado, controlled substances are categorized into five schedules, from Schedule I to V. Attorney Annie Le Fleur of Le Fleur Law LLC in Grand Junction, Colorado, has extensive knowledge of each schedule and the associated legal implications:

  • Schedule I drugs, such as heroin, MDMA, LSD, mescaline, and psilocybin, are considered the most dangerous and highly addictive.  

  • Schedule II drugs, including cocaine, methamphetamine, and fentanyl, have a high potential for abuse but may have accepted medical uses. 

  • Schedule III drugs like anabolic steroids and ketamine have a lower potential for abuse and may also have medical applications. 

  • Schedule IV drugs such as Xanax and Valium are considered to have a low potential for abuse but can still lead to psychological or physical dependence. 

  • Schedule V drugs, like certain cough suppressants and therapeutic medicines with low doses of narcotics, are viewed as the least dangerous and addictive. 

The penalties for drug possession in Colorado depend heavily on the type and amount of drugs involved.  

Possession of synthetic cannabinoid or salvia divinorum, or more than two ounces and up to six ounces of marijuana, falls under Level 2 Drug Misdemeanors. More severe cases, like possession of a Schedule III, IV, or V drug, or more than four grams of a Schedule I or II drug, are classified as Level 1 Drug Misdemeanors. 

Higher-level offenses, such as possession of flunitrazepam, ketamine, or more than four grams of a Schedule I or II drug, are classified as Level 4 Drug Felonies. Enhanced felony penalties apply for possession offenses involving substances with high percentages of fentanyl, carfentanil, or benzimidazole opiate, or possession offenses involving a deadly weapon. 

Attorney Le Fleur's Role 

Attorney Le Fleur understands that facing drug charges can be overwhelming. She also knows the significant consequences that a drug crime conviction can have on a person's life. That's why she offers future-focused advice and advocacy. She explores all possible defenses, including lack of knowledge or possession, illegal search or seizure, and immunity from prosecution.  

Her primary goal is always to minimize the impact of drug crime charges and strive for the best possible outcome. She will guide you through the entire legal process, from arraignment to sentencing, and provide skilled representation at all stages. If you or a loved one are facing drug charges in Western Colorado, contact Le Fleur Law LLC for a confidential consultation today. Let Attorney Le Fleur fight for your rights and protect your future.  

Drug Crime Attorney in Grand Junction, Colorado 

When you're faced with drug crime charges, you need a criminal defense attorney who understands your situation, treats you with compassion, and has the knowledge to fight for your rights. Attorney Annie Le Fleur of Le Fleur Law LLC embodies all these qualities. With her client-centered approach, comprehensive case handling, and commitment to making a difference, she provides the defense representation you need during this challenging time.